Information about upcoming workshops

Thursday, August 15, 2013

DIDGERIDOO WORKSHOP wih Eliot Stone at Drumz Friday evening, August 30, from 7-9pm! Eliot is just returning from Siberia where he worked with the renown tuvan throat singers. Eliot was hired to work with this group on their marketing! Fascinating! Eliot has studied traditional style didgeridoo with the indigenous people in Australia, the Aborigines, as he has developed a wonderful and effective teaching style to work with all levels of players. Save the date! More details to follow!
"The didgeridoo represents the true spirit of Australia
and if the earth had a voice it would be the sound of the didgeridoo.

"Traditionally, an Aborigine would go into nature and listen intensely to animal sounds, not just voices but also the flapping of wings or the thump of feet on the ground. The Aborigine would also listen to the sounds of wind, thunder, trees creaking, and water running. The essences of all these sounds were played with as much accuracy as possible within the droning sound of the didjereedoo. For the Aborigine, the observation of nature immediately requires a state of empathy, which leads to an imitative expression.