Information about upcoming workshops

Thursday, February 24, 2011

BEGINNER DJUNDUN WORKSHOPS ! The first workshop for those folks interested in starting on the djundun path is Friday evening from 6:30pm-8pm on February 25th and the second workshop is Friday evening March 4th from 6:30-8pm. These workshops are $20 each and you may attend one or both! We will learn how to hold the sticks, basic sticking technique for djuns, some exercises to develop technique, and several djundun patterns with bell. The bass drums are powerful and essential to the West African drum ensemble and learning to play and recognize the melodies of the djuns is an important part of understanding and learning West African music. Please come and experience the beauty and the power of these amazing bass drums!
COST: $20

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Beginner DjunDun Workshops Feb. 25th and March 4th! Two consecutive Friday evening Djundun workshops will take place at DRUMZ aimed at those of you starting out on these wonderful bass drums that accompany our West African music in ensemble! The djuns are the power behind the ensemble...and the metronome..the pulse that keeps it altogether! The beautiful melodies of the djuns are the bass line of the music and the relationship between the djembes and djunduns is critical to the precision required to play these traditional rhythms well! Learning to play the djuns is very empowering and helps provide a valuable key to understanding and experiencing this beautiful music from AFrica! Please join us if you have always been attracted to these powerful stick drums or even if you just want to increase your foundation in the music! We will explore some bell/stick patterns and how to hold the sticks, some practice exercises, and even a Japanese Taiko Drum piece that I learned along the way! These workshops were originally scheduled for Feb. 4th and Feb. 11th and have been moved to the new dates, Feb. 25th and March 4th. TIME:7pm-8:30pm Day: Friday, Feb. 25th and Friday, March 4th. You may register for one or both workshops but the content will be progressive so if you are planning to take only one, the one Feb. 25th would be the ideal one to take!

PLEASE CALL DRUMZ at 453-9090 to register or email Sherry at :